On September 5, Mark J. Sundahl, the director of the Global Space Law Center at Cleveland State University participated in the meeting of the Regulatory and Policy Committee of the NASA Advisory Committee. The topic at hand for this meeting was how to approach the challenging issue of natural resource extraction on the Moon and other celestial bodies. Gabriel Swiney kicked off the discussion with an summary of the Department of State’s position on the coming regulation of resource extraction. The committee debated the issue for the better part of the day and adjourned the meeting after agreeing on most issues. The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group provided considerable guidance to the committee in formulating its recommendations. Another meeting will take place in October in order to finalize the committee’s work on this issue.
Jeffrey Murphy, a member of the GSLC’s Research Council, also attended the meeting. Jeffrey is part of the new generation of space lawyers and has been an influential member of the Research Council as the Center tackles critical issues in space law. The Global Space Law Center strives to give students opportunities to see space law in action from Washington D.C. to Vienna.